
About Me Tech Stack GitHub Stats Projects Recently Learned

Hi , I'm Angelo Zurita 👨🏻‍💻

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"I am a Computer Science student by profession, but I am a creator of innovative solutions and a builder of dreams through technology."
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🚀 Tech Stack

C C# CSS3 HTML5 Bootstrap Markdown Python TypeScript JavaScript Java Vercel .Net Express.js JavaFX NPM NodeJS React React Router Spring TailwindCSS Vite Vue.js Firebase MySQL Pandas NumPy Plotly scikit-learn Scipy mlflow Git GitHub

📊 Stats

💻 Projects

Project Preview

Profile README - Personal GitHub Portfolio

Consists of my personalized profile README, designed to showcase who I am, my skills, and the projects I have developed.

Markdown HTML5 GitHub

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Project Preview

Personal Portfolio

This personal portfolio showcases my skills, experience, and key projects, providing a clear view of my professional journey and enabling collaboration opportunities.

HTML5 CSS JavaScript GitHub

Code Preview
Project Preview

Shop Taws

This project is a landing page designed for selling Taws merchandise, providing an attractive and functional space where users can explore and purchase official products.

HTML5 CSS Bootstrap JavaScript GitHub

Code Preview

📚 Skills and Tools Recently Learned

Technology Badge Usage Projects
Markdown Markdown Documentation and profile design of readmes Profile README
HTML5 HTML5 Web structure Profile README Personal Portfolio Shop Taws
CSS3 CSS3 Giving visual and appealing styles to my HTML elements Personal Portfolio Shop Taws
Bootstrap Bootstrap Responsive design and quick styling Shop Taws
JavaScript JavaScript Dynamic behavior and functionality Personal Portfolio Shop Taws
GitHub GitHub Version control and project deployment Profile README Personal Portfolio Shop Taws